Women in business NB networks are essential to business success. They are a great way to meet new people and share ideas. Here are some women in business networks in your region and across the country:
Réseau échange Femmes en affaires du Madawaska (REFAM) (Edmundston)
REFAM is a member organization that promotes networking among businesswomen.
Now-Network of Women (NOW) (Grand Falls)
NOW is an interactive network where women share experiences, resources, advice and collaborate on issues of interest.
Business and Professional Women (BPW) (Greater Moncton)
BPW of Greater Moncton promotes the interests of working women and works towards the improvement of the status of women in all sectors of society, especially in business, professions and industry.
Women’s Professional and Business Alliance (Greater Bathurst)
A network of businesses and professional women creating an inspirational environment and opportunities to share knowledge and experience in the Chaleur region.
Women of Miramichi Entrepreneurial Network (WOMEN)
WOMEN is a vibrant group of female professionals and entrepreneurs offering support, guidance and education to each other and those embarking on the entrepreneurial or professional path.
SCIPLE is a network providing women access to training and community that guide them through the different stages of becoming an entrepreneur.
Women & Business Network (WBN) (Fredericton)
The WBN Fredericton brings together businesswomen from diverse occupations by providing opportunities to network, building relationships and learning about issues and best practices in business.
Jenna White
Jenna’s Nut-Free Dessertery